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aluutti 8.7. 1998

- the darker side

Please notice: You must excuse me forI can't enjoy the camp and all the fun those grammatic errors that may be inthat it is. But the friends in here are this document. I don't take anygood thing, they always have been. On resposibilities about comments that'93 or '94 when I missed my mum you may understand incorrectlyawfully they were all there especially because of syntax or grammatical erros.Marja-Liisa Viherä, to whom I'm very
thankful of her support. And now, I So, what was in my mind when Ihave friends to hang out with, so I started to write this. I tought that, Iwon't be so sad and lonely. That is could start it with legendarysentence:good thing.
"New camp has begun..." And so on.
Every year, the editor of the firstAnd in my "Dark column" there has to magazine of the camp start his text likebe something dark also, so here it that. And what a good way start that is.goes: What is wrong with you people? Then there is some chat about niceWhy can't you put the CDs back to their weather and how fun it is to meet yourjewelcases where belong after you have old friends and then how awful theplayed them on radio. There is already mosquitos are. I'm tired. I can't taketwo or three discs that are nealy ruin that anymore, why couldn't they startbecause of scratches, and I hope that like: "Oh no, just another camp hasthere will be no more CDs like those begun. Weather is awful and all theare. But that was just the dark side! members of ourgroup are boring."
Before the end I wan't to specially own Well, probably that would be bad waythis column to my girlfriend Julia and to start you editorial. But there hasalso to those great supporters of my! been always something right on the
editorial always. From year to year.Thanks!
Because the finnish encyclopedia
redefines the editorial like this: "The
column that is written by the editor of
magazine or by person who is
responsible for it. It should redefine
what is magazinespolitical opinion
and so on..." And the it says almost
that: "The Editors Columbs redefines
the magazines opinionon everything".
I relly think that every communications
camper thinks like: "Yahoo! New camp
has begun...nice weather... old friends
and so on!" I know I do.

Just it happened so, my girlfriend couldn't come with me and that isn't so good. Because I miss her so much,

by: Ensio